This software allows you to manage alarms and different events in different forms (message, sound, opening an application, sending an e-mail, shutting down the computer) with different periodicities (one-time, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
| The different menus |
| Alarms |
| This window summarizes all scheduled alarms. User can add a new alarm, edit an alarm by double clicking on the line\n\tor delete an alarm. It can also pause an alarm or force an alarm to run immediately.\tThere are three possible states for alarms. If the alarm appears in red, there is an error in the alarm. If the alarm appears orange, the alarm is paused. The third state being normal operation where the alarm will be executed on the programmed date and time.\tAny alarm that is less than twenty-four hours older is executed as soon as the application is started.\tAny alarm that is more than twenty-four hours past is automatically paused.\n\tThe user has the option to set one or more reminders for each of the alarms.
| Add an alarm |
| Use this window to add an alarm. The user has 5 options: message, sound, launch an application, turn off the computer or send an email in text format with attachments.
| Style & Language |
| The user has the option to choose between different app appearances, different languages, and the date format.
| SMTP server settings |
| To send emails, it is necessary to configure the server, the account and the password and the port of the email. SSL mode is the secure mode. The default port is 25.
| Help |
| This option displays this help.
| About |
| This option displays the software version, as well as the owner of the user license.
| Download the latest version |
| This option is used to see if a new version of the software is available.
| To leave |
| This option closes the software.
| Frequently asked questions |
| Videos / Tutorials |
| EuropeSoftwares - All rights reserved |
Microsoft |
Apple |