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Online Help

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» Java, XML

Setting up your cell phone
Procedure for launching an SMS campaign
Procedure for receiving text messages
Create a new database
Select a database
To leave
Import data from a file or folder
Add data to a group
Delete all data
Multi criteria search
Reset criterion for sending all data
Eliminate duplicates from the database
Create a group
Delete a group
Separate a group into subgroups by series
Separate a group into subgroups according to the city
Separate a group into subgroups according to the department
Separate a group into subgroups according to postal code
Reset group sending criteria
Add a text message
Edit a text message
Delete a text message
Deferred processing
Create deferred processing
Delete a deferred processing
Deferred processing report
Receive text messages
Style and language
Download the latest version
Most frequently asked questions
Videos / Tutorials
This software is used to create SMS campaigns.

Setting up your cell phone

To be able to use this software, it is imperative to correctly install your mobile phone. A certain number of conditions are necessary:

  • 1) Your telephone plan must have the specific option for operating your mobile phone's modem via an active computer (for sending SMS).
  • 2) Your mobile phone must be connected to the computer (USB cable, bluetooth, etc.)
  • 3) Your cell phone modem driver must be installed correctly. To do this, you must contact the manufacturer of your mobile phone to obtain the driver.
  • 4) The computer must have assigned a communications port to your cell phone modem. (COM1, COM2, COM3, ...)
A restart of your computer is necessary for the detection of your phone's modem.

Procedure for launching an SMS campaign

  • 1) Create a new database
To start an SMS campaign, you must create a database in which recipient data will be stored.

  • 2) Import recipient data
Your data must be contained in text files.

  • 3) Optional: Eliminate duplicates from the database
This operation eliminates duplicate data.

  • 4) Create your sms in text format
  • 5) Optional: Sort your data, group, ungroup.
You have several options for grouping or ungrouping your data.

  • 6) Directly launch your text message.
The different data must be separated by semicolons or tabs and must be organized into a single record per line in the text file. Data must always belong to a group.

Procedure for receiving text messages

  • 1) Correctly configure the SMS reception parameters.
You must enter your mobile phone connection details.

  • 2) Activate SMS reception.
Just check an option in the settings.

  • 3) Complete the keywords
Feedback can be of 2 different types: automatic unsubscribe or survey. These messages are detected by identifying a keyword in the subject of the message. The principle is the same for accounting when creating a survey with the keyword of your choice.


Create a new database

Allows you to create a new database. This database contains various data including SMS addresses. You can create as many databases as you want.

Select a database

Allows you to select a database other than the active one.

To leave

Allows you to close the application.


Import data from a file or folder

This menu allows you to import data from a file. Accepted separators are tabs and semicolons (Format better known as CSV EXCEL).

For that it is necessary :

  • 1) Enter or select the path of a file to import.
  • 2) Optional: Check the “LOTS” box if you want to process all the files in the directory.
  • 3) Create or select a group that will contain the imported data. In the case of batch processing, the group name will be the name of the imported file.
  • 4) Enter the fields corresponding to the data to import following the first line of the file. You can press the button to refresh the data as many times as you want.
The “skip first record” option must be checked if the file to import contains the column names at the beginning of the file.

Add data to a group

This menu allows you to manually populate the database of SMS recipients.

Delete all data

Allows you to delete all data from the database (groups, data).

Multi criteria search

Allows you to select data according to specific criteria.

From this selection of data, it is possible to:

  • Transfer recordings to submission.
  • Export records to a new XML database.
  • Edit the current record.
  • Delete the current record.
#**: the user can enter the start of the entire criterion only, if desired.

*#*: the user can enter only part (at any position) of the entire criterion, if desired.

Reset criterion for sending all data

This menu allows you to reset the data. During an SMS campaign, any SMS sent to a given recipient is checked in the database. This allows you not to send several text messages to the same recipient in the same campaign.

Eliminate duplicates from the database

Allows you to remove duplicate GSM numbers from the entire database.


Create a group

This menu allows you to create data groups or groups composed of several data groups.

Delete a group

This menu allows you to delete a group and all the data it contains. If it is only a group of groups, only the highest level group is deleted.

Separate a group into subgroups by series

Allows you to separate data into subgroups according to a given quantity.

Separate a group into subgroups according to the city

Allows you to separate the data into subgroups according to the recipient's city.

Separate a group into subgroups according to the department

Allows you to separate the data into subgroups according to the recipient's department.

Separate a group into subgroups according to postal code

Allows you to separate the data into subgroups according to the recipient's postal code.

Reset group sending criteria

This menu allows you to reset the data of a single group. During an SMS campaign, any SMS sent to a given recipient is checked in the database. This allows you not to send several text messages to the same recipient in the same campaign.


SMS messages can be sent with a message only or with the addition of an image or video. FlashSMS option are special text messages that are automatically displayed on the cell phone screen and are not saved in memory.

Add a text message

This menu allows you to create an SMS. The text can be enriched with tags which will be replaced by the corresponding texts when sending the SMS.

Edit a text message

This menu allows you to modify an already created SMS.

Delete a text message

This menu allows you to delete a text message.



This menu allows you to launch the SMS campaign. To do this, you must:1) Select an SMS (entered previously).2) Select the recipients to whom you want to send the SMS.3) Press SEND. The user can interrupt the current operation at any time and resume it later.

Deferred processing

Create deferred processing

Allows you to create delayed SMS sending.

Delete a deferred processing

Allows you to delete deferred processing.

Deferred processing report

Allows you to view the results of executing deferred processing.


Receive text messages

Allows you to retrieve text messages returned by text message recipients. When this function is activated, it updates information: subscription stops and surveys.

Case of automatic unsubscription:

Syntax of the text of the returned SMS: STOP 06XXXXXXXXXX


Allows you to create surveys. Surveys are counted by identifying a keyword of your choice in the text of the SMS upon receipt. Clearly, you must make the request in the text message to respond with the keyword chosen in the returned text message.

Survey case:

Syntax of the text of the returned SMS: KEYWORD 06XXXXXXXXXX



This menu contains the texting options. The user must first enter this data before using the SMS and reception function.

Style and language

This menu allows you to change the language and change the style of the application.


Download the latest version

This menu lets you know if a new version of the software is available.


This menu allows you to display this document.


This menu allows you to know the version and owner of the user license.

Most frequently asked questions

Videos / Tutorials

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