Installing the application on the server |
| 1) Transfer all files to the remote server |
| Beforehand, you must have hosting on a remote server, reserved with a website host. The transfer to the server is done using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client. You can use the EuropeSoftwares EasyFTPClient/EasyMultiFTPClient tool, for example, or any other FTP (File Transfer Protocol) file transfer tool. When the data entry is complete, this web page must be deleted from the remote server.
| You should always keep the same between the files on your computer and the files on the remote server. |
| EuropeSoftwares recommended web host: LWS (https://www.lws.fr/hebergement_web_windows.php) |
| 2) The software is ready: the web pages should be displayed in your web browser! |
| Frequently asked questions |
| Videos / Tutorials |
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